
Discover what’s new and newsworthy at Scale. Check out our latest press releases and media coverage.

Law 360

Veteran Tech GC Goes Back To Private Practice At Scale

Silicon Valley virtual full-service law firm Scale LLP is bolstering its attorney roster with the addition of an experienced financial technology general counsel as its latest partner, the firm announced Monday....

Press Release

Prominent Fintech GC Jason Altieri Joins Scale LLP as More In-House Lawyers Return to Private Practice

Jason Altieri joins Scale LLP, bringing 25 years’ experience as a nationally known fintech GC and corporate specialist; Altieri’s move follows a trend of GCs returning to private practice.

Above the Law

Women In Law Are Driving An Entirely New Practice Model

The traditional path for women in the legal profession remains riddled with inequities. Entrepreneurial attorneys like Heather Cantua, Amy Duvanich, and Jamie Wells are driving an entirely new way to practice -- exercising greater autonomy over how they work, finding more compensation and more time for their passions, ultimately achieving their own meaning of success.

Above the Law

Leaving Your In-House Role: You Don’t Need A Portable 'Book' To Be Successful

Traditionally, in-house legal roles have offered more accommodating schedules and opportunities to gain valuable business experience. Now though, the calculus is changing and you no longer need a portable “book” to grow a fulfilling practice. See how in-house attorneys are defining success on their own terms.

Above the Law

Why Scale LLP Is Driving A ‘Great Redefinition’ Of Attorney Success

These lawyers built a practice that benefits the pocketbook — and the soul. Here’s how they did it.


Is virtual firm Scale LLP the wave of the future?

Years ago, when my husband was a Big Law litigation associate, we took our kids on a vacation to Disney World. Each night after everyone else went to bed, he stayed up until all hours working, using the hotel bathroom as his “office” so he wouldn’t disturb us...

Above the Law

Former CLO And Biglaw Partner Joins Virtual Law Firm As Managing Partner

With the legal industry in flux, the lines between traditional law firms and virtual law firms are blurring

Westlaw Today

Virtual law firms scale up amid 'forced experiment' of remote work


Virtual firm Scale is emerging out of 'stealth mode' – and growing fast

The American Lawyer

New Virtual Firm Grows With Talent From Big Law


The Operational GC: Are Your Lawyers as Agile as Your Company?

Agile Development meets the practice of law.


Your new remote law practice is better. Why go back?

A remote practice affords attorneys more time, money, and flexibility. Before you go back, you might ask what you’re going back for.